Outdoor gantry crane anchoring device
time:Oct 19,2016
The anchoring device of outdoor gantry crane is a windproof device. However, unlike windshield devices such as rail clamps and iron shoes, the anchoring device is a static windproof device. That is, when a strong wind is coming, should park the outdoor gantry crane to a designated position in advance, and then use the anchoring device to fix it. Through the anchoring device, the outdoor gantry crane can be kept stable in high winds without rolling accidents, ensuring the safety of machinery and person.
The rail clamp is different from the anchoring device, it is a dynamic windproof device to prevent the wind and roll resistance when the operating mechanism is working. When encountering some special circumstances, if it is difficult for the operator to make correct processing in time, then the rail clamp plays a role.
The anchoring device and the rail clamp have different functions and principles, they are usually used together on one set of outdoor gantry crane.