Material handling cranes electrical protection appliances
time:Oct 19,2016
In order to protect the electrical parts of material handling cranes and timely disconnect the power supply in case of failure to avoid personal safety accidents and equipment damage, the material handling cranes will be required to equip with protective electrical appliances.
Common electrical protection appliances and the function:
1. Circuit breakers, when the main circuit is short circuit, automatically and immediately disconnect the main circuit to prevent excessive current impacting the electrical components.
2. Thermal relay, when the motor is overheating, timely disconnect the motor power.
3. Zero voltage relay, prevent the circuit undervoltage.
4. Fuses, when control circuit is short circuit, the current is large to fuse blown, thus need to break the circuit.
5. Limit switch, to avoid the crane lifting, walking beyond the safe distance to damage the material handling cranes.
In addition to the above, Material handling cranes electrical protection appliances also includes the distribution board, the inverter, over-current overload and so on. And, the Material handling cranes electrical protection appliances are required quick and sensitive action, safe and reliable.